Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall newsletter

“Seeing my brother executed just tore me apart. I knew that my life had changed at that point. I felt as if I was separated from other individuals, and that I was forced into a state of manhood. Compared to most kids at 18, I had seen something they couldn’t imagine.”

That's a quote from Stan Allridge in MVFHR's fall newsletter, which is now available. Stan is one of the MVFHR members quoted in the article, "My Brother's Execution: From Silence to Speaking Out." Other special features in this newsletter include a section on September 11th families, an interview with Tom Mowen and Ryan Schroeder discussing their research which shows that victims' families are increasingly rejecting the "death penalty as closure" argument but news coverage doesn't accurately reflect this, and an essay about murder as a human rights violation. We've also got our usual MVFHR news briefs, a roundup of victim opposition to the death penalty in the news, and a message from the executive director.

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