Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Building Bridges for Peace

Happy New Year, everyone. We've added a new page to our online Gallery of Victims' Stories: Jo Berry, whose father, a member of the British Parliament, was blown up by a bomb planted by the IRA. Here's an excerpt from Jo's gallery page:

"The man responsible, Pat Magee, received eight life sentences; the judge branded him "a man of exceptional cruelty and inhumanity.” He was released in 1999 as a condition of the Good Friday Peace Process.
In 2000, Jo met Pat Magee in order to hear his story. Since then, they have met many times, and Jo has begun to understand the reasons that led him to choose violence. They now work together for peace, nationally and internationally. Jo has set up the organization Building Bridges for Peace, and has presented workshops at prisons, schools, universities, and victims’ groups. Jo and Pat were featured in a BBC documentary in which Jo talks about her abhorrence of the death penalty and how it cannot bring closure; the film has been used by U.S. anti-death penalty groups."

See the rest of Jo's gallery page, including photos, here. Visit the entire Gallery of Victims' Stories here.

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